Hi! I’m Ronnie.
And this is my lifestyle blog, Coming Full Spiral! This blog is about self-care and personal growth–a vibrant life captured through creativity, travel, mindfulness, connection, and vegan health & fitness. I believe that, instead of following a linear path, life is more of a spiral. As a person grows, they often come back to the same points in life on whole new levels.
How it started: moving to Seattle and a journey around the world
In 2010, I had moved to Seattle from Virginia to start a new life after truly hitting rock-bottom. The purpose was to find, create, and reinvent myself within the course of a year. Little did I know that this healing would still take place for much longer.
Over the years, I have worked through the spiral of my life. I had to learn patience and kindness towards myself first before the rest followed. In order for any change to happen, one must begin within before making a better impact on the outside world. Art, fitness, journaling, the vegan lifestyle, traveling, and connecting with others have been the recipe for getting better. Above all, keeping an open mind is essential.
After a while, I began to like what I was seeing. Instead of forcing and compelling life to happen, the gentle surrender of control and letting the universe take over were new perspectives to put faith in. My intuition and emotions became a stronger compass to live by. Everything does fall into place eventually. It just takes patience and time.
A spark within me reignited, and Coming Full Spiral was born. In the beginning of this blog, I shared my experiences with healing from Complex PTSD and depression by circumnavigating the world on my own.
I think that one never really knows when they’re done healing, because they’re going to keep growing in life even when the emptiness from trauma has been filled. The spiral of life keeps expanding. It’s amazing to come back to certain points with whole new perspectives.
This is me, coming full spiral. What an extraordinary ride it has been.
And now: Sharing what I love with you
I created this blog mostly for documentation of how I go about this creative life–how I’m expanding my world through self-care, connecting with others, and taking risks. While it originally started out as a way to share my journey with mental health recovery, it has evolved into showing even more experiences with you. Here, you will find:
- Vegan recipes
- Travel experiences and recommendations
- What it’s like to run marathons
- Fashion choices
- Scenes from our beloved Seattle
- Anecdotes and insights
- And more!
If you relate to any of it and if it inspires you, that’s great! It’s wonderful if it helps anyone, even just one person. My mission here is to show how life can be taken one day at a time while keeping an open heart and mind. As long as we treat ourselves the way we deserve to be treated, then life truly does bloom.
With Love,