Coming Full Spiral Turns One!
Happy Spring! A year ago today, I decided to start a new project on personal growth. I decided to direct my creativity towards writing and documentation in the form of a blog. Today, Coming Full Spiral turns one!
This blog is about personal growth one day at a time through creativity, travel, mindfulness, connection, and vegan health & fitness.
I believe that, instead of following a linear path, life is more of a spiral. As a person grows, they often come back to some of the same points in life on whole new levels. I created this blog mostly for documentation of how I go about this life–How I’m expanding my own world through self-care, self-love, connecting with others, and taking risks. Here, I wrote about my travels, self-care guides when it comes to mental health, healthy vegan recipes for a compassionate lifestyle, and even shared some of my visual art.
In addition to expression, I also learned the technical side of blogging. This included learning the complex platform of WordPress, SEO, and using social media to connect with my audience. The next thing is monetization of this blog, which is a little scary to think about. Once my audience has grown enough, it’s more feasible.
If you have been following for a while and if it inspires you, that’s great! Rather than projecting the message of “if you can dream it, you can do it,” my mission here is to show how life can be taken one day at a time while keeping an open heart and mind. Eventually, things fall into place better. In the mean time, I’ll be posting more as my mental health continues to further improve. Happy reading!
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