Month: March 2018

31 Revolutions Around the Sun

Today is my 31st Birthday.

A year ago I entered my 30s, feeling like I was wearing shoes that were a couple sizes too big. It felt unfamiliar, and I was unsure of what to do with myself. Then I left to travel and the changes from that whole trip have continued to spur growth in the void where it felt like something was missing.

I just returned from a family union gathering in Jacksonville, FL. My cousins and I are in the same age range, and they are in their late 20s. I overheard one of them expressing mild apprehension about turning 28, and another consoling her that it’s just another year. I have to say that once you hit 30, all of that concern dissolves. About 20 years ago, I asked one of my aunts her age. It made her stop and think. Finally, she said, “I’m 35, but when you get to my age, you forget how old you are.” My 9-year-old mind didn’t believe her at the time, but I get what she means now.

My 30th year will be hard to beat. But starting my third decade with the deliberate intention of upending my life with epic adventures in order to grow has proven to lay the foundation to further improve my own life. Before, depression had permeated my existence, which often made it difficult to move ahead. But as I get older, I feel more comfortable taking risks and making investments to further grow as a person. The depression is still there at times, but it doesn’t have as much power as it did a year ago.

I don’t have a tendency to look back as much. At this point, I’m looking ahead and have been living with more solid intention than I did before. It’s so much easier to do that when healing has taken place more. I’m okay with the weight gain and creases forming around my eyes. The clarity that comes with age is more important. Once you have that, there’s nothing that can ever take it away.

I am feeling pretty good about it.

Coming Full Spiral Turns One!

Happy Spring! A year ago today, I decided to start a new project on personal growth. I decided to direct my creativity towards writing and documentation in the form of a blog. Today, Coming Full Spiral turns one!

This blog is about personal growth one day at a time through creativity, travel, mindfulness, connection, and vegan health & fitness.

I believe that, instead of following a linear path, life is more of a spiral. As a person grows, they often come back to some of the same points in life on whole new levels. I created this blog mostly for documentation of how I go about this life–How I’m expanding my own world through self-care, self-love, connecting with others, and taking risks. Here, I wrote about my travels, self-care guides when it comes to mental health, healthy vegan recipes for a compassionate lifestyle, and even shared some of my visual art.

In addition to expression, I also learned the technical side of blogging. This included learning the complex platform of WordPress, SEO, and using social media to connect with my audience. The next thing is monetization of this blog, which is a little scary to think about. Once my audience has grown enough, it’s more feasible.

If you have been following for a while and if it inspires you, that’s great! Rather than projecting the message of “if you can dream it, you can do it,” my mission here is to show how life can be taken one day at a time while keeping an open heart and mind. Eventually, things fall into place better. In the mean time, I’ll be posting more as my mental health continues to further improve. Happy reading!

Plant Lady

Plants are a new thing I’ve been collecting. We can’t have any more cats, so the only other option are plants. I never considered myself to be a plant lady, because most of them had died under my care. I thought of myself to have a black thumb until recently.

It wasn’t until 3 years ago, when I first entered therapy, that I decided to try and grow an avocado plant from a pit. So, I followed steps on how to do that. It actually took over a month before the first root emerged through the crack. When it grew long enough, I transferred it to a pot.

Here I am with Loretta, an avocado tree I grew from that pit. I viewed this avocado seedling as a metaphor for growth. From the beginning, as she grew from an embryonic seedling, I nurtured her as I did to myself during that time.

I made sure her soil was always moist as her thin stem steadily grew upwards and sprouted the first pair of leaves.

One day, I came home to find that our cat had eaten the leaves and subsequently threw them up in the other room. After Googling to make sure avocado leaves weren’t toxic to cats, I kept an eye on the very young plant. I kept her, hoping she could grow new leaves eventually… Patience, patience, patience. Within weeks, small new leaves slowly emerged just below where the stem was broken off. I later learned that it’s a good practice, when starting an avocado tree from a seed, to cut it back after it gets about 10 inches. It helps the roots double up and get really strong.

It reminded me that as we heal from trauma in our lives, it is two steps forward and one step back. Sometimes we need stuff like that to happen in our own beings so that our own roots can grow stronger.

I kept up the practice of trimming the leaves, especially the sick and yellow ones. And Loretta grew steadily. Two years later, I left to travel the world. Upon returning three months later, I saw that the poor plant’s leaves had all shriveled up! I carefully trimmed those off, but I knew she wasn’t dead. Within days, she started growing new leaves, but from an unexpected place: at the bottom of the stem. The leaves at the top started growing back later. I took that as a sign that we also grow in ways we don’t expect. Growth is not linear.

I’ve been healing for a while now, and this avocado seedling has been growing along with me. A big lesson learned from this journey is that everything will fall into place; it just takes patience. It’s a slow process, like being a seedling. I told my therapist about that metaphor, and she agreed that one can’t yell at a plant to grow faster. So, I’ve learned to hand the reigns of life over to the universe and let the chips fall where they may. Before that, I forced and compelled things to happen my whole life and that took a lot of energy out of me. That’s what I’ve been these past three years: healing and letting everything fall into place…however that turns out. Kind of like how this plant has turned out.

This plant’s pronouns were definitely “she” and “her,” and it wasn’t until the last two months that the name finally came to me. Loretta sounds like a good fit.

Then over Christmas, I got a cactus from Secret Santa. Someone said that she looks bitchy, but I think she’s just misunderstood. She always has a home here.

And then I acquired Kyle in January. This is a boy plant to balance out the girls. It’s always so nice to add more life into my room, so he sits on my night stand and guards me as I sleep. I’m not entirely sure how I come up with the genders of the plants. They just come as they are.

I am looking forward to getting more plants when the time is right.